For the past 5 years I've worked part-time, behind the scenes with Freedom to Marry, the campaign to win marriage equality nationwide. Our Supreme Court victory on June 26 was the culmination not just of thousands of people's blood, sweat, and tears over decades - but for me, personally, of a through-line of activism that began in 1988 after I'd just come out as a lesbian and volunteered on the first of a string of anti-gay ballot measures. (See links below for more on my personal journey.)
Oregon has faced more anti-gay initiatives than any other state - so it's no coincidence that lessons and political operatives key to our national victory emerged from our local experience here - messages that opened America's heart and movement heros like Thalia Zepatos, Roey Thorpe, and Thomas Wheatley. After co-leading the successful campaign to defeat the third hateful OCA ballot measure in 1994, I stepped off the front-lines. I'm grateful to Freedom to Marry, and Thalia in particular, for providing me with the opportunity to continue to contribute while pursuing my work as a Celebrant.
The struggle for full LGBT equality is far from over. But the incredible team that dedicated itself to achieving this astonishing win on marriage is done. On July 9th Freedom to Marry celebrated with the Vice President and 1,000 key activists and donors. The next day, we met as a staff for our final, farewell retreat. We spilled out stories of the difference the work had made in each of our lives and the lives of countless others, along with tears, disbelief, pride - and most of all: love.
Here's a beautiful 6 minute video that recounts this remarkable piece of history that was years in the making but finally arrived, as President Obama notes, "like a thunderbolt".
- I Now Pronounce You: In which my friend and colleague Thalia Zepatos officiates our latest and last wedding.
- My Big (Null & Void) Gay Wedding: Our White Salmon and Lucky Lab ceremonies.
- Yes, I'll Marry You: A whirlwind tour through my 26 years of activism for LGBT equality.
- The Perfect Bookend to a Long Chapter: Kelly and Dolores sharing their role in history with their children.
- Old Married Couple Legally Weds: Another couple navigates the question of how to cross the new legal threshold for the marriage they'd already celebrated.