During the last year, events in Kathy's life turned her thoughts increasingly to her mother. She found herself in a closet pulling down a nearly forgotten box she'd packed away at the time of her mother's death. Inside was a veritable treasure trove: packets of letters Marie had written to Kathy, photos and other keepsakes.
And then she read the blog post I'd written, titled "It's Never Too Late," about the celebration of life a colleague had done for her step-father eight years after his death. Kathy decided, as a birthday present to herself, to create a ceremony of remembrance for her mom.

As Kathy's birthday approached, she curated the other elements that would comprise the ceremony: an opening chime; a favorite poem, dog-eared in her mother's worn leather-bound poetry volume; the song Stand by Me performed with raw emotion by a longtime friend who had weathered much loss of his own; and a fountain for the garden, to be dedicated to her mother with a blessing through this ceremony.

About the experience she says, "After Mom died, I missed her deeply. It shadowed most everything. Now, having put in the work I did to create this ceremony, I feel like she's there, inside of me. Not as my mom, necessarily, but as her. As Marie. I can feel how and why she made the decisions she made in her life. I can feel her as a part of me - the best part. I guess she's always been there, but before, I didn't really conceive of how alike we are, and I get that now.
"I'm at peace. And I can look out my back door and there are hummingbirds, and bushtits and chickadees that all bathe in that fountain. How cool is that?"

"Kathy, today, for your birthday, you’ve given herself the gift of writing a closing chapter to her story with your mother. With the suddenness of your mom’s death, there was no last page. Now, there is. The story is not over, of course, for Marie’s legacy clearly lives on. But the book is now like Marie’s poetry collection, well-worn, well-loved, full of emotion, full of beauty – complete.
"It’s as though Marie is saying to us as Charlotte said to Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web: 'I feel peaceful. Your success is to a small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe. Nothing can harm you now. All these sights and sounds will be yours to enjoy – this lovely world, these precious days….'
* * *
Nobility by Alice Cary
True worth is in being, not seeming,
In doing, each day that goes by,
Some little good—not in dreaming
Of great things to do by and by.
For whatever men say in their blindness,
And spite of the fancies of youth,
There's nothing so kingly as kindness,
And nothing so royal as truth.
We get back our mete as we measure--
We cannot do wrong and feel right,
Nor can we give pain and gain pleasure,
For justice avenges each slight.
The air for the wing of the sparrow,
The bush for the robin and wren,
But always the path that is narrow
And straight, for the children of men.
'Tis not in the pages of story
The heart of its ills to beguile,
Though he who makes courtship to glory
Gives all that he hath for her smile.
For when from her heights he has won her,
Alas! it is only to prove
That nothing's so sacred as honor,
And nothing so loyal as love!
We cannot make bargains for blisses,
Nor catch them like fishes in nets;
And sometimes the thing our life misses
Helps more than the thing which it gets.
For good lieth not in pursuing,
Nor gaining of great nor of small,
But just in the doing, and doing
As we would be done by, is all.
Through envy, through malice, through hating,
Against the world, ,early and late.
No jot of our courage abating
Our part is to work and to wait
And slight is the sting of his trouble
Whose winnings are less than his worth.
For he who is honest is noble
Whatever his fortunes or birth.